Monday, 28 January 2013

FSO–FileSystemObject (VBScript)




Work with Drives, Folders and Files.

Object heirarchy:





Once a File System Object has been opened you can use Methods and Properties to work with folders and files:

FileSystemObject Methods:

.BuildPath(strPath, strFileName)

.CopyFile(Source, Dest [,Overwrite (True/False)]

.CopyFolder(Source, Dest [,Overwrite (True/False)]


.CreateTextFile(FileName [,Overwrite (True/False) [, Unicode (True/False)]])

.DeleteFile(FileSpec, Force (True/False))

.DeleteFolder(FileSpec, Force (True/False))

.DriveExists(strDrive) (True/False)

.FileExists(strFile) (True/False)

.FolderExists(strFolder) (True/False)

.GetAbsolutePathName(strPath) - Returns a string with the full drive, path, and file names: Drive:\Path\To\File.Ext

.GetBaseName(strPath) - Returns a string with the file name, without the extension: File

.GetDrive(strDrive) - Returns an object referring to a drive

.GetDriveName(strDrive) - Returns a string referring to a drive. Drive:

.GetExtensionName(strPath) - Returns a string referring to the extension of the file. Ext

.GetFile(strPath) - Returns an object referring to a file.

.GetFileName(strPath) - Returns a string referring to a file. File.Ext

.GetFolder(strPath) - Returns an object referring to the path.

.GetParentFolderName(strPath) - Returns a string referring to the path. \Path\To\

.GetSpecialFolderName(FolderType) FolderType=SystemFolder/TemporaryFolder/WindowsFolder

.GetStandardStream(Type [,Unicode (True/False)])


.MoveFile(Source, Dest)

.MoveFolder(Source, Dest)

.OpenTextFile(strFile [,IOMode (0=append, 1=Read, 2=Write) [,Create (True/False) [,Format (0=Ascii,-1=Unicode,-2=default)]]])

Drive Properties:

AvailableSpace, DriveLetter, DriveType, FileSystem, FreeSpace,IsReady,

Path, RootFolder, SerialNumber, ShareName, TotalSize, VolumeName

File Properties:

Attributes, DateCreated, DateLastAccessed, DateLastModified,Drive,

Name, ParentFolder, Path, ShortName, ShortPath, Size, Type

File Methods: .copy, .Delete, .Move, .OpenAsTextStream

Folder Properties:

Attributes, DateCreated, DateLastAccessed, DateLastModified,Drive,

Files, IsRootFolder, Name, ParentFolder, Path,

ShortName, ShortPath, Size, SubFolders, Type

Folder Methods: .copy, .CreateTextFile, .Delete, .Move


Create a text file:

Dim objFS, objFile
Set objFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFile = objFS.CreateTextFile("C:\work\demo.txt")
objFile.WriteLine("some sample text")

Open an existing file:

Dim objFS, objFile

Set objFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set objFile = objFS.GetFile("C:\Work\Sample.xls")

WScript.Echo objFile.DateCreated & objFile.Name

Check drive space:

Dim objFS, objDrive, objDriveCount

Set objFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set objDriveCount = objFS.Drives

Set objDrive = objFS.Drives("C")

WScript.Echo objDriveCount & " Free Space " & objDrive.AvailableSpace


Monday, 28 January 2013

FSO–FileSystemObject (VBScript)



Work with Drives, Folders and Files.

Object heirarchy:





Once a File System Object has been opened you can use Methods and Properties to work with folders and files:

FileSystemObject Methods:

.BuildPath(strPath, strFileName)

.CopyFile(Source, Dest [,Overwrite (True/False)]

.CopyFolder(Source, Dest [,Overwrite (True/False)]


.CreateTextFile(FileName [,Overwrite (True/False) [, Unicode (True/False)]])

.DeleteFile(FileSpec, Force (True/False))

.DeleteFolder(FileSpec, Force (True/False))

.DriveExists(strDrive) (True/False)

.FileExists(strFile) (True/False)

.FolderExists(strFolder) (True/False)

.GetAbsolutePathName(strPath) - Returns a string with the full drive, path, and file names: Drive:\Path\To\File.Ext

.GetBaseName(strPath) - Returns a string with the file name, without the extension: File

.GetDrive(strDrive) - Returns an object referring to a drive

.GetDriveName(strDrive) - Returns a string referring to a drive. Drive:

.GetExtensionName(strPath) - Returns a string referring to the extension of the file. Ext

.GetFile(strPath) - Returns an object referring to a file.

.GetFileName(strPath) - Returns a string referring to a file. File.Ext

.GetFolder(strPath) - Returns an object referring to the path.

.GetParentFolderName(strPath) - Returns a string referring to the path. \Path\To\

.GetSpecialFolderName(FolderType) FolderType=SystemFolder/TemporaryFolder/WindowsFolder

.GetStandardStream(Type [,Unicode (True/False)])


.MoveFile(Source, Dest)

.MoveFolder(Source, Dest)

.OpenTextFile(strFile [,IOMode (0=append, 1=Read, 2=Write) [,Create (True/False) [,Format (0=Ascii,-1=Unicode,-2=default)]]])

Drive Properties:

AvailableSpace, DriveLetter, DriveType, FileSystem, FreeSpace,IsReady,

Path, RootFolder, SerialNumber, ShareName, TotalSize, VolumeName

File Properties:

Attributes, DateCreated, DateLastAccessed, DateLastModified,Drive,

Name, ParentFolder, Path, ShortName, ShortPath, Size, Type

File Methods: .copy, .Delete, .Move, .OpenAsTextStream

Folder Properties:

Attributes, DateCreated, DateLastAccessed, DateLastModified,Drive,

Files, IsRootFolder, Name, ParentFolder, Path,

ShortName, ShortPath, Size, SubFolders, Type

Folder Methods: .copy, .CreateTextFile, .Delete, .Move


Create a text file:

Dim objFS, objFile
Set objFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFile = objFS.CreateTextFile("C:\work\demo.txt")
objFile.WriteLine("some sample text")

Open an existing file:

Dim objFS, objFile

Set objFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set objFile = objFS.GetFile("C:\Work\Sample.xls")

WScript.Echo objFile.DateCreated & objFile.Name

Check drive space:

Dim objFS, objDrive, objDriveCount

Set objFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set objDriveCount = objFS.Drives

Set objDrive = objFS.Drives("C")

WScript.Echo objDriveCount & " Free Space " & objDrive.AvailableSpace