MethodDim strRet
' create regular expression object
Set objRegEx = New RegExp
' set the pattern
objRegEx.Pattern = strPattern
' set it be not case sensitive
objRegEx.IgnoreCase = True
' set global flag =true sothat we search all of the string, instead of just searching for the first occurrence
objRegEx.Global = True
' execute search
Set strMatches = objRegEx.Execute(strString)
'Execute Method
' @ Executing a regular expression to find text within a string.
MsgBox RegularExpExample("QTP.", "QuickTestQTP, by GAReddy and QuickTestQTP is qtp's blog")
' =============================================================
' @Function: RegularExpExample
' @Desc : Example of how to use the regular expression object to find text within a string
' @Params : strPattern is the regular expression
' strString is the string to use the expression on
' @Returns : An example string showing the results of the search
' =============================================================
Function RegularExpExample(strPattern, strString)
Dim objRegEx, strMatch, strMatches
Dim strRet
' create regular expression object
Set objRegEx = New RegExp
' set the pattern
objRegEx.Pattern = strPattern
' set it be not case sensitive
objRegEx.IgnoreCase = True
' set global flag =true sothat we search all of the string, instead of just searching for the first occurrence
objRegEx.Global = True
' execute search
Set strMatches = objRegEx.Execute(strString)
' for each match
For Each strMatch in strMatches
strRet = strRet & "Match found at position '" & _
strMatch.FirstIndex & "' - Matched Value is '" & _
strMatch.Value & "'" & vbCRLF
RegularExpExample = strRet
End Function ' RegularExpExample
'Test Method
'################################################################# #######
'@Using Locate to determine if specific text exists within a string.
'################################################################# ######
MsgBox LocateText("www.QuickTestQTP.blogpsot.com", "QTP")
MsgBox LocateText("www.QuickTestQTP.blogpsot.com", "QTP.*.com")
' =============================================================
' @Function: LocateText
' @Desc : Uses a regular expression to locate text within a string
' @Params : strString is the string to perform the search on
' strPattern is the regular expression
' @Returns : True if the pattern was found, False otherwise
' =============================================================
Function LocateText(strString, strPattern)
Dim objRegEx
' create the regular expression
Set objRegEx = New RegExp
' set the pattern
objRegEx.Pattern = strPattern
' ignore the casing
objRegEx.IgnoreCase = True
' perform the search
LocateText = objRegEx.Test(strString)
' destroy the object
Set objRegEx = Nothing
End Function ' LocateText
'Replace Method
'@Using the replace method to find and replace text in a string.
MsgBox ReplaceText("QuickTest QTP: Learning QTP is easy .", "easy.", "easiest")
MsgBox ReplaceText("QTP seems to be easy .Just look here, everything else about QTP exists: but implemenation is HARD...!","but.*","!")
' =============================================================
' @Function: ReplaceText
' @Desc : Uses a regular expression to replace text within a string
' @Params : strString is the string to perform the replacement on
' strPattern is the regular expression
' strReplacement is the replacement string
' @Returns : ReplaceText
' =============================================================
Function ReplaceText(strString, strPattern, strReplacement)
Dim objRegEx
' create the regular expression
Set objRegEx = New RegExp
' set the pattern
objRegEx.Pattern = strPattern
' ignore the casing
objRegEx.IgnoreCase = True
' make the replacement
ReplaceText = objRegEx.Replace(strString, strReplacement)
' destroy the object
Set objRegEx = Nothing
End Function ' ReplaceText
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